Hello Friends!
Posted by Diana Gonzales on
Wow! I just realized that its been a hot minute since I wrote any words on here. September has been a blur of doing so much in our home and in my workshop as well. I've spent lots of time pouring candles for Fall and prepping for Christmas as well. We have lots of new fragrances that we introduced for these two collections and I had a blast creating for you. My hope is that you'll be pleased to bring these candles into your home and create both a cozy and festive atmosphere. We've also been busy making lots of...
Fall has arrived !
Posted by Diana Gonzales on
Truly, Fall is still a few weeks away, however, our Fall scents have arrived to Lavender Apothecary. We love Fall and the warm and cozy scents that it brings. Fragrances that are a reminder of cooler days and nights. Vanilla, Cinnamon, Pears, Spices, Apples, Pumpkins, Cranberries, Oranges, Honey and so much more! I had a wonderful time creating these scents for you and I hope you enjoy them. There is something for everyone! Fal in love with these wonderful aromas and allow them to fill your homes and spaces!
Happy August
Posted by Diana Gonzales on
Happy August and happy Saturday! I’ve been so busy and my creativity is on full speed! It feels so satisfying to be in this creative mode. I’ve not only been pouring candles but I’ve been making lots of shower steamers and lavender filled sachets. In one of our hotter months of Southern California I’m amidst planning for our Fall scents. It always feels odd pouring Fall fragrances when temps are in the 90’s! They’ll be available the beginning of September. The best thing that has been underway is that my son and his fiancé have been organizing my workshop! I’m...
First week of our website
Posted by Diana Gonzales on

Hello again beautiful people! Happy Sunday! I hope that you’re having a great weekend and day, I had an absolutely crazy busy week with our website launch. I had hoped and prayed for a great launch and oh my goodness..... Well, let’s just say that the sweet little sound of “cha-Ching” kept going off on my phone all day on Monday. Then the same Tuesday and the rest of the week. My family rallied together and helped me fill orders, make boxes, write thank you cards etc.., Whew! My head was spinning at the amazing turnout from so many of you....
First Blog
Posted by Diana Gonzales on
Hi everyone! So here goes my first time at blogging! Thank you for coming along with me. Welcome to our website. It’s been a long time coming and very exciting and a bit scary at the same time. My son, Louie, has been off of work from Disney due to Covid-19 since March. With extra time on his hands, Louie along with the rest of my family encouraged me to take the dive. So here I am, taking another step on this small business journey. I’ve decided to keep both my website and Etsy page so double the fun! A...